Skid Heating Systems
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Our Products
Immersion Heaters
Flanged Heaters
Screw Plug Heaters
Circulation Heaters
Over the Side Heaters
Inline Heaters
Circulation Heaters
Inline Heaters
Flanged Heaters
Screw Plug Heaters
Pipe Heater
Over the Side Heaters
Industrial Boiler Heaters
Tubular Heaters
Finned Strip Heaters
Cartridge Heaters
Band Heaters
Silicone Rubber Heaters
Open Coil Elements
Duct Heaters
Open Coil Duct Heaters
Tubular Duct Heaters
Infrared Radiant Heaters
Wattco™ Temperature Control Panels
Explosion Proof Temperature Control Panels
On Off Control Panels (Nema 4)
Industrial Uses For Multistage Temperature Control Panels
SCR Direct Control Panel
Industrial Uses For Hybrid Temperature Control Panels
Industrial Heaters
Case Study
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Our Products
Immersion Heaters
Flanged Heaters
Screw Plug Heaters
Circulation Heaters
Over the Side Heaters
Inline Heaters
Circulation Heaters
Inline Heaters
Flanged Heaters
Screw Plug Heaters
Pipe Heater
Over the Side Heaters
Industrial Boiler Heaters
Tubular Heaters
Finned Tubular Heating
Strip Heaters
Finned Strip Heaters
Cartridge Heaters
Band Heaters
Silicone Rubber Heaters
Open Coil Elements
Duct Heaters
Open Coil Duct Heaters
Tubular Duct Heaters
Finned Tubular Duct Heaters
Explosion Proof Duct Heaters
Infrared Radiant Heaters
Wattco™ Temperature Control Panels
On Off Control Panels (Nema 4)
Industrial Uses For Multistage Temperature Control Panels
SCR Direct Control Panel
Industrial Uses For Hybrid Temperature Control Panels
Explosion Proof Temperature Control Panels
>> Case Study
Wattco Case Studies
Wattco designs heaters to suit all our customers applications. Here are some examples:
5 Fundamental Rules for Designing Efficient Heat Transfers
A Review of Industrial Heaters: Oil and Gas industry Case Study
Advantages and Limitations of Digital Control Panels for Industries
Air Duct Heaters
Alternatives to Direct Immersion Heaters
Bitumen Heating Texan Style
Case Study of Using the Immersion heaters for Indoor Paraffin Effluent Sumps
Chemical Cleaning using Circulation Heaters
Circulation Heaters for Gas and Steam Heating Applications
Circulation Heaters for Heating Corrosive Solutions
Circulation Heaters in Nuclear Power
Circulation Heaters in Petrochemical Applications
Commercial Heaters in Action
Debunking the Myths Surrounding Thermal Heaters
Different Types of Oil Flushing in the Process Industry
Digital Control Panels in the Heating Industry
Digital Control Panels: What Are They?
Electric Heating Of Natural Gas To Prevent Freezing After Throttling
Electric Immersion Heaters in Industrial Storage Tanks
Expansion Driven Heating or Cooling of Gases
Explosion Proof Digital Control Panels
Explosion-Proof Duct Heater Selection For The Mining Industry
Fabrication, Specification and Functionalilty of Explosion Proof Control Panels
Heat Trace Cable vs. Immersion Heaters
Heaters for Environmental Waste
Heaters on Wheels – Bringing Mobility to Your Heating Application
Heating Biodiesel
How to Implement Effective Heat Transfer
Immersion Heaters for Food Processing
Immersion Heaters for the Mining Industry
Immersion Heaters in Refineries
Immersion Water Heaters in a Solar Power System
Industrial Heaters for Pipelines
Industrial Heating Methods, Convection or Infrared?
Inline heaters for the Military
Lubricants and Heat Transfer in Space
Maximizing The Efficiency OF Process Heating Systems
Mineral Oil using Immersion Heaters
Natural Gas Preheaters
Nitrogen Heating System
Oil Flushing – Maintenance Recommendations for the Petrochemical Industry
Oil Flushing for the Process Industry
Optimizing the Performance of Process Heaters
Overview and Benefits of a Digital Controller
Phase Equilibrium
Pipe Degradations in Oil Refineries Requiring Oil Flushing
Pipe Heaters for Construction Industry
Power Plant using Immersion Heaters for Tank Heating
Preheat Fuel Oil using Flanged Heaters
Pressure Vessels
Prevent Liquid from Freezing
Road Oil Heating
SCR- and Contact-based Digital Controllers
Steam Heating Elements – Automotive Industry
Taking Advantage of Newly Designed WATTCO Heaters for Natural Gas Drillers
Tank Heating
The Benefits of Regular Oil Flushing
The Carnot Cycle
The Use of Circulation Heaters in Oil Flushing
The Use of Mineral Oils in Refrigeration Systems
Thermal Conductivity
Use of Immersion Heaters for a Small Dairy Farm
Vegetable Oil Heating
What is a Digital Controller?
What is Passivation? Why do We Need to Passivate Flanged Heaters?
What to Use When Heating Wax
Why is Mineral Oil Used in Thermal Heaters?