Explosion Proof Duct Heaters

Designed for use in hazardous areas with explosion-resistant cast aluminum terminal enclosure and redundant over temperature protection. Sized to fit the duct. Heavy wall, large diameter finned tubular elements, individually removable for servicing. Tubular and finned designs can provide outlet air temperatures up to 650C (1200F) for industrial heating applications. Applications include petrochemical plants, aircraft hangars, fueling areas, oil drilling rigs, sewage treatment plants, pipeline pumping stations, paint spray booths, storage areas for flammable products, labs or testing areas. Wattco explosion proof duct heaters is the solution to the problem of heating equipment and products where Class 1, Groups B, C, D hazardous gases or vapors exist. This heater provides a clean safe source of heat for hazardous areas found in extraordinary environments. Below is a table of Class 1, Group C & D Hazardous Atmospheres:

Group Chemical Ignition Temperature
    Degrees C Degrees F
C Acetaldehyde Allyl alcohol Carbon monoxide Crotonaldehyde Dimethylamine Ethylene Hydrogen cyanide Hydrogen sulfide N-butyraldehyde 175 378 609 232 400 450 538 260 232 347 713 1128 450 752 842 1000 500 450
D Acetone Ammonia Benzene Butane Butyl acetate Ethane Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) Gasoline (56-60) octane Gasoline (100 octane) Heptanes Hexanes Methane (natural gas) Methanol Methyl ethyl ketone Naphtha (petroleum) Octanes Pentanes Propane Propylene Styrene Toluene Vinyl acetate Vinyl chloride xylenes 465 498 498 288 421 472 363 280 456 204 225 537 385 404 288 206 243 450 455 490 480 402 472 464 869 928 928 550 790 882 685 536 853 399 437 999 725 759 550 403 470 842 851 914 896 756 882 867